Monday, August 6, 2012

“As the domain market continues to grow, we recognize that there is a need for a range of price points for difference audiences. We long-ago pioneered the premium domain marketplace, and today we still achieve the highest median price of any domain marketplace that sells in volume. Our research has shown, however, that could be a substantial opportunity in targeting “value buyers” with domains, and so we are testing that concept with this new site.”

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Reflexology Hand Chart

Consulting a reflexology hand chart, as well as a reflexology foot chart, prior to receiving a reflexology treatment is a reflexology best practice. As a reflexologist, I feel it is my responsibility to empower my clients and the best way is to do this is to educate them and answer their questions. Viewing a reflexology hand chart and reflexology foot chart is a powerful visual. It engages the client and helps them to feel more confident and comfortable before, during and after a reflexology treatment. It piques and maintains their interest, and satisfies their curiosity. More importantly, it provides the impetus for them to return, which is beneficial for them and me.

Friday, February 3, 2012


The decision to receive reflexology is a relatively simple one. However, which reflexologist should you see and what are the questions you should ask in order to get the information you need to make the best decision? All of a sudden, you have a research project on your hands and there isn't a lot of information available to assist you in your quest to find a reflexologist. This article provides the information you need to know so you can find the reflexologist who is most closely aligned with you and your individual needs. Follow these guidelines and you are all but guaranteed to discover the perfect reflexologist. To your health and wellness

Benefits Of Reflexology

The benefits of reflexology are myriad and manifold. Those who have chosen to receive reflexology as a regular part of their health and wellness plan and/or their medical regimen, understand the benefits of reflexology and are living their lives in a healthier capacity. Stress relief, detoxification, higher energy, better circulation and an overall sense of well-being are but a few of the benefits of reflexology. In this article, I describe what you need to know about the benefits of reflexology and a few things you should know regarding reflexologists, in order to make an informed decision about receiving a reflexology treatment.

Reflexology And Reiki: My Reflexology Beginnings

Reflexology and reiki have been around for centuries. They are foundational approaches to health and healing in many countries around the world and relied upon for their addressing of medical conditions. I have been practicing reflexology and reiki for more than ten years and have come to know the potential and the power available from this combination of alternative healing. This article reveals my story and how I came to practice reflexology and reiki as a profession. Enjoy!

Types Of Reflexology

Understanding different types of reflexology is paramount to selecting and receiving the best possible reflexologist, and reflexology treatment, for yourself. The benefits of reflexology are enhanced when a reflexologist is more in alignment with his or her client. And knowing what types of reflexology are best received by you - the client - and provided by the reflexologist, will virtually guarantee positive, healthy results from a reflexology treatment. This article describes different types of reflexology and how I arrived at the type of reflexology I now practice.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Types Of Reflexology

My reflexology career has spanned more than a decade and, in this time, I have seen a great number and variety of clients. I have also been the recipient of reflexology. As such, my reflexology style has evolved from learning and studying the many types of reflexology I have discovered, researched and received. The types of reflexology from which I have drawn and have ultimately formulated my personal style and type of reflexology are myriad. I believe there are as many different types of reflexology as there are reflexologists. It is my hope, this article will provide some clarity and direction for those who are pursuing their own healing journeys and have chosen to include reflexology as a part of their path - whether to give or to receive... or both.